Adult Female Dog - Chihuahua: "Kiki"$400
Breed: Chihuahua
Age: Adult
Sex: F
Size: S
Kiki was born May 2009. She is a quiet Chihuahua who could live in...
Baby Male Dog - Shepherd: "Mojo"$400
Breed: Shepherd
Age: Baby
Sex: M
Size: L
Looking for a great puppy to adopt? Get your "Mojo" on with this happy...
Adult Female Dog - Chihuahua: "Lilly"$400
Breed: Chihuahua
Age: Adult
Sex: F
Size: S
Lilly is one of two 5-year-old Chihuahua sisters born in August 2006...
Adult Male Dog - Japanese Chin: "Miko"$400
Breed: Japanese Chin
Age: Adult
Sex: M
Size: S
Miko is an adorable Japanese Chin born in October 2006 who was...